What's the most inappropriate thing a doctor or nurse suggested while you were a patient?

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What's the most inappropriate thing a doctor or nurse suggested while you were a patient?

doctor Or Nurse Suggested While You Were a Patient?

I was just 25 and didn't realize I was about 6 weeks pregnant. I was on the pill, very, very thin and often missed my period. I left work in severe pain and only made it to the next town where I crawled into the public safety building and got an ambulance ride.
Fastest ever ER visit, the ultrasound showed a burst cyst on my right ovary and free-floating blood in my abdomen. I went immediately to surgery (my parents were told to put coats over their PJs - or the surgeon would forge my consent signature. I wanted mother-didn't get that I was going to die!
Surgery successful and I woke up on a maternity ward with 11 about-to-be or new mothers. I was informed by the Super Catholic gynecological surgeon that I was pregnant but the fetus would not be viable after the surgery. He then stated that I was to stay in said maternity ward until I miscarried and then he'd do a D&C and I could go home. WTF? You just said I had lost the pregnancy and you put me in with the mothers? I asked if we could do the D&C right away so as to allow me to go home. His exact words? “I don't perform abortions!". So: you said my child is dead, you said I needed a D&C yet you placed me in maternity to wait until my uterus realized my baby was dead! Wouldn't an ordinary room have done? I was engaged but not yet married. I strongly suspect that had something to do with the situation. The surgeon had 14 children-come on! (the Mid 1980s but still! I spent 4 nights on that ward, waiting to miscarry. Each night the nurses came to give everyone a backrub-except me! The doctor ordered “no backrubs" specifically because they could hasten the miscarriage!

Hepatitis C, 

I grant everyone their religious convictions except when they infringe on other's rights or sensibilities. Had I not been so young, trusting, stupid and Catholic myself I might have gone after him for his cruel actions. As it was I let it go.
In 1993 when they discovered that what was known as “nonspecific hepatitis” was really Hepatitis C, I demanded a test as I was given 4 units of blood during that surgery. Guess what? After a long, long fight with my insurance, I was cured in 2015! Fortunately, I suffered no real damage from 2+decades of infection. The only bright spot in this story.
The doctor was a total cretin and the administration allowed it! He was an excellent clinician BUT today, his personal biases would cause his dismissal. FWIW, this was a public; for-profit hospital nationally recognized for excellence! Go figure! BTW, it was 35+years ago-I am over it! But thank you while pregnant with my first, I went to an Ob-Gyn that my partner and I fell in love with. He was an amazing doctor and practically saved our daughter's life, or at least gave her a life without disabilities. We were very thankful and I knew that if I ever got pregnant again, I would return to him for my care. Well to my surprise, I got pregnant again when my daughter was a few months old. The pregnancies were so close together, that my due dates only varied by 2 days. It was an unplanned pregnancy and I was very broken up about it for the first few months. I knew I would keep my baby, but I can't say abortion was never a thought. Eventually, it came down to a point that I became extremely depressed about it. My first appointment was only for confirmation so I didn't see my Ob-Gyn. However, a lot of the nurses made comments about me being back so soon. They were all nice, but it still made me feel a bit like a whore.

My Second Appointment

Then came my second appointment which was with my On-Gyn. I figured this one would be easier since all the initial comments were out of the way. Boy was I wrong.
My “amazing” Ob-Gyn walked in and asked me how old my daughter was. When I replied with her age, he gave me a funny look and said: “well this time it may be time to think of something more permanent for birth control like a tubal or (looking at my partner) a vasectomy.”
Now my partner is very determined that he will NEVER agree to a vasectomy. I'm pretty much the same way as I don't believe in anything permanent. However, what really gets me is this wasn't even a likely option for me.I was very young, healthy, and this was only my second pregnancy. I had some issues towards the end of my first pregnancy but until the last month, it was a healthy pregnancy. For my insurance to pay for something “permanent” as he put it, I was required to be at least 35 years old or have 3 living children (the pregnancy included, miscarriages were not). So if I had opted for something like that to be done, I would have had to pay for it out of pocket.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten pregnant so early, but I felt like I was shamed for it when it happens all the time. Plus I think it was highly inappropriate of a doctor to suggest that knowing that unplanned pregnancies can already cause the mother extreme depression. Shaming a depressed pregnant woman for being pregnant doesn't help, it only makes things worse.

Inappropriate and Humiliating.

 I had just turned 17 and had to get my sports physical for high school sports. Mandatory to get them if you want to play any sport. Of course, males always get these hernia checks where the doctor after feeling your balls stick a finger up between your balls and tells you to cough. This in and of itself isn't the worse thing. That would be that the doctor's nurse was present during this part of the exam. She entered the room just as the doctor said: “drop your shorts.”OK, a trained nurse shouldn't be a concern but since that particular nurse was a very good friend of my mother, it was like a relative being there with you when you had to pee or something. I know when our eyes met I turned beet red with embarrassment. We were face to face, the doctor now examing my balls moving them around in his fingers. She had a full view but she just went about her nurse duties like I am sure she was trained and expected to do. Yeah, embarrassing as hell. What came 15 minutes later was the inappropriate and most humiliating episode in my life. After the doctor finished with me, he wrote in his notes and left the room. It was then the nurse's responsibility to go over any findings of the doctor and give the patient their sports permission slip from the medical side. She sat at the desk looking at the doctor's records. I got dressed and then sat in a chair next to the desk. She explained how no problems were found and gave me the signed permission slip. After she would have just given me the slip and said goodbye, before I got up she asked if she could say something. She wanted to ask me something about something she observed but not put in the records. Of course, I said if course she could.

I observed your development 

She just started right in. I observed your development for a 17-year-old. Based on thousands of other observations I have made of developing teen males and knowing that at 17, a male has almost completely developed into manhood. OK, I said. She went on about how my mother was concerned about my development and had asked for her to check up on her fears during my physical. Fears, I asked? What fears? I am over 6 feet tall and have a lower body fat index of most males I know. How could anyone be concerned with my development? Mom's friend continued that wasn't the development your mother is concerned about. She is actually concerned about the size of your penis.
I was taken aback, but had to ask, what the hell is wrong with my penis? Why would anyone be concerned about my penis, it is my penis? When in the world did my mother even see my penis to have any concern? She calmly answered my rapid questions seein I was a bit upset. Your penis appears to be much smaller than males your age on average. This could cause you relationship problems as I get older. The concern your mother has, and rightly so is that any problems you have sexually could lead to more mental related problems. Mothers notice these things and in all likelihood accidentally seen your penis and grew concerned.I was finished with this conversation. I got up but wanted to get in the last word. I turned towards this nurse and bluntly told her that she didn't know anything because I was a grower, not shower and that if needed, I'm sure no one would be disappointed. I also exited my teen boastfulness and told her if she ever needed a performance check to let me know. Immediately she told me, sorry, I don't think growing would even get you to average and if you want to show your big improvement when erect you can just take it out right now and prove it to me. I will not be checking for performance. I checked it because your mother asked me to and to discuss it with you since while I am a friend of your mother, I am still a medical professional and it is better coming from me than a doctor you didn't really know. I left. I didn't have to bring it up to my mother since she had the report before I even got home from the clinic. She was waiting to go on the defense when I walked in the door. That discussion will need to wait for a different Quora response.
What's the most inappropriate thing a doctor or nurse suggested while you were a patient? What's the most inappropriate thing a doctor or nurse suggested while you were a patient? Reviewed by webs on February 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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